Itsy not so Bitsy Spider
Creepy to some but the huge guys are harmless. They actually help by keeping the “dangerous” hobo spider away.“These large spiders help prevent “hobo spiders” from becoming established indoors. They out-compete and displace the hobo spider indoors and the males often kill male hobo spiders (without necessarily eating them). Hobo spiders are not an indoor […]

We love our family and we will treat you like family! We promise to answer all your questions before treatment. We want you to feel comfortable with your services and will cater to your needs. We also promise to use Integrated Pest Management on every service to provide the best treatment for YOU, your family […]
Family Owned and Operated

It’s not just a phrase. We mean it! We call our family “Team Coleslaw” *that’s another story*, and every member of our family has a responsibility. Mom does the “office stuff”, Dad does the “bug stuff”, Big Sister does the graphic/logo design and the baby brothers just keep us happy and laughing *they are so […]